Kurdish has now become the eighth largest language on Wiktionary, a section of Wikipedia that provides an open-content dictionary. In terms of vocabulary, Kurdish has surpassed Persian, Turkish, and Arabic on this platform.
According to the data, Kurdish has over 900,000 approved entries on Wiktionary, ranking it eighth among 168 languages globally. Anyone with knowledge of Kurdish can contribute to this free service. However, every entry goes through a review process involving seven editors to ensure accuracy and reliability before being published on the platform.
Kurdish language holds the eighth position on Wiktionary among the most frequently updated languages on Wiktionary. Following English, French, Malagasy, Chinese, Russian, Greek, and German. This indicates an ongoing process of daily additions of new words, showcasing the continuous expansion and enrichment of the language. It further highlights how Kurdish plays a significant role in the world’s most comprehensive online and freely accessible dictionary project. The collective efforts of contributors, who constantly contribute new entries, contribute to the growth and diversification of the Kurdish language in the digital realm.
Within Wiktionary’s vocabulary, Arabic consists of 67,624 words, Persian contains 104,581 words, and Turkish comprises 359,195 words. Kurdish secures its position in this ranking by including words from both the Kurmanji dialect and the Sorani dialect.

However, it does not encompass the Gorani, Kurmanchki (Zazaki), and Luri dialects of Kurdish. This demonstrates the inclusion of specific Kurdish dialects and regional variations within the platform’s coverage.In recent years, the Kurdish language has managed to experience a revival and witness an increase in the number of speakers. Despite facing historical barriers and bans, Kurdish has successfully preserved its purity by avoiding the adoption of loanwords. Presently, the Kurdish language academia, with the support of the Kurdistan government, is striving to establish a more standardized Kurdish. To achieve this, the Kurdistan Region has implemented a new law that mandates every shop owner to display their advertisement banners in Kurdish. This initiative aims to promote and reinforce the use of Kurdish in various aspects of daily life.
I proud of my Kurdistan ♥️🌞💚✌🏻