The Kurds have a great and influential literature that dates back to centuries ago. Kurdish scholars and authors have always tried to preserve their nation’s national identity through their works and writings.
Therefore, Kurdish writers have always been under threat of imprisonment.
Kurdish scholars have made significant contributions to various fields of study, including history, linguistics, literature, and philosophy.
Despite facing political and social challenges in their home countries, Kurdish scholars have continued to produce groundbreaking research and scholarship, enriching our understanding of the world and its diverse cultures.
Kurdish scholars and authors have always worked to introduce their national struggle and their nation’s political issues to the world through their books, poems and stories.
Many Kurdish writers have kept the Kurdish language alive and promoted the Young generation to fight for their country.
Hundreds of Kurdish literature masterpieces have been translated into other languages. Thousands of students study them in universities and academic centres all around the world.
It’s difficult to date the origin of Kurdish literature. The history of Kurdish literature is very long. Historians have not been able to determine the exact accuracy of the history of Kurdish literature. However, according to most historical sources, the history of Kurdish literature dates back to pre-Islamic times.
And accurate evidence for this claim is a piece of poetry which is written in the Hawrami dialect and was found in a cave near Jalawla town. The poetry describes how the Arab Muslims occupied the town and forced the Town’s inhabitants to convert to Islam. So This poetry is clear and logical evidence that Kurdish literature belongs to the pre-Islamic area.
Although historians claim that the Kurdish literature dates back to Medians there is no accurate evidence for this claim.
Anyway, All historians and experts agree that Kurdish literature is rich and ancient. Despite the foreign occupation of the Kurds and the ban and discrimination of their cultural rights, the Kurds have been able to preserve their language and literature.
Here is the list of the most influental Kurdish scholars and authors:
In this blog, we will explore some of the most influential Kurdish scholars and writers and their contributions to their respective fields.
Ahmad Xani

Ahmadi Xani is one of the most influential and prominent scholars, poets and intellectuals in Kurdistan and the Middle East. He is considered by many Kurds the founder of Kurdish nationalism. He was born in the Hakkari region in 1650 and died in 1707, Ahmadi Xani in his literary works describes the subjugation of Kurds by Othmans and Safavids.
Unlike his era’s poets, Ahmadi Xani didn’t devote his introductions to praising the rulers of his time. Instead, He dedicated his opinions to Kurdish nationalism. Ahmadi Xani always thought that an independent Kurdish state would safeguard The Kurds and the Kurdish language and an independent Kurdish monarchy would increase literacy and science amongst The Kurds.
Ahmadi Xani wrote the first Kurdish dictionary as well, which was a Kurdish-Arabic dictionary. The dictionary contains about 6,000 words and was published in 1892 in Istanbul.
Ahmadi Xani’s most important masterpiece is Mam and Zen which is a classic love story.
Mam and Zen is the backbone and epic of Kurdish literature and has been translated into more than 50 Languages
Ahmedi Xani’s notable works:
- Mam and Zen
- Nubahara bbiçûka(children’s spring) dictionary
- Erdê Xweda( God’s land)
Sharafkhani Bitlisi

Sharafkhani Bitlisi was a one of the most prominent Kurdish scholars, poets, academicans, and politicians who lived in the 16th century. He was born in the city of Bitlis which is a Kurdish city in Turkey. His life and legacy continue to be a source of inspiration for many Kurdish people today.
Sharafkhani Bitlisi was the first Kurdish to write and record Kurdish history. Before him, History of Kurds was usually written by non-Kurds scholars.
Sharafkhani Bitlisi was born into a notable Kurdish family in 1543. His father, Mir Hesen Beg, was the governor of Bitlis at the time, and his family was notable and famous in the region. He received his early education from his father and other scholars in the area.
In 1575, Othman authorities appointed him as the governor of Bitlis. During his time in office, he worked tirelessly to improve the lives of the Kurdish people in the region. During his rule, The region experienced massive developments as He built schools, hospitals, and other public facilities, and He also encouraged the development of Kurdish literature and culture.
His most famous work is the Sharafnama, a comprehensive history of the Kurdish people that covers the period from ancient times to the 16th century. His book has been an excellent source for those who research about The Kurdish history.
Ali Hariri

Ali Hariri was a Kurdish intellectual, poet and scholar. He is one of the most prominent and influential philosophers of his era. He was born in 1009 in the village of Harir and died in 1079 in Jazzira. Though Many historical sources suggest that Ali Hariri founded the Kurdish literary tradition. His poetry focused on love, love for Kurdistan, its beautiful nature and the beauty of its people. So his poems were popular all over Kurdistan.
According to the Muhibi, Hariri moved to Damascus to study Islamic studies.
Until now, his grave is a sacred place and is visited by numerous people every year. Due to his works on Kurdish literature, He is one of the most popular poets among Kurdish scholars. His works inspired many other poets, scholars and authors, including Ahmadi Xani.
Rafiq Halmi

Rafiq Halmi was a Kurdish artist, historian, politician, and author. He worked in many different fields.Halmi was born in 1898 in the city of Kirkuk and moved with his family to Sulaymaniyah at an early age.
He has finished school in Kirkuk, Kifri, Sulaymaniyah, and Baghdad.
During The First World War, He finished his studies at the military academy in Istanbul. Due to his knowledge of many languages, Rafiq Halmi started working as a personal interpreter and advisor to King Mahmood Hafid.
Mustafa Pasha Yamulki who was Minister of Education during Mahmood’s Kingdom, appointed Halmi as his educational advisor. Rafiq has had a great experience in journalism, He worked as a journalist for the Bangi Kurdistan newspaper and later as editor-in-chief of Omedi Istiqlal newspaper.
Rqfiq Halmi was one of the founding Committees of the Hiwa Party which was a nationalist political party.
The committee appointed him the leader of that party. Halmi had a notable work in Kurdish education by translating the school curriculum into Kurdish.
Rafiq Halmi served as the manager of the education office in his home town, And some other places across Iraq.
He has written many historic and literary books, among them and the most famous one is his Diaries. Halmi passed away in 1960 in Sulaymaniyah.
Qadri Can

Qadri Jan is one of the most prominent Kurdish scholars and authors in the modern history of The Kurds.
Jan was a poet, writer, politician, and translator. He was born in the Dirk village near Mardin in North Kurdistan in the year of 1911.
During his school years, He was a very successful student, especially in the areas of science and mathematics.
Due to his strong desire and work for Kurdish nationalism, He faced many difficulties such as imprisonment, and exile.
He moved to Syria where He met and befriended prominent Kurdish figures and Badr Khanis
In Damascus, Qadri Jan started writing and published his works in the Hawar Journal which was published by Mir Jaladet Badr Khan in Damascus.
In addition to poetry, He also wrote short stories and biographies. Most of his works were published in the Kurdish journals Hawar, Ronahî and Roja Nû.
He was one of the first Kurdish poets to write poetry in the modern style.
Hazhar Mukriyani

Hazhar Mukriyani was a prominent Kurdish poet, writer, translator, and journalist who was born in the city of Bukan in 1921. He is considered one of the most influential Kurdish scholars of his generation. And his work continues to inspire and shape Kurdish culture and identity today.
Mukriyani began his career as a poet at the age of 17. Later, He started writing various poems for newspapers and magazines. He quickly gained a reputation for his insightful commentary and his commitment to social and political issues affecting the Kurdish people.
Mukriyani came under the influence of many great writers such as Ahmedi Xanî, Haji Qadir Koye. During his lifetime He published 25 books and two dictionaries of the Kurdish language. His most important work was the translation of the Quran into the academic Kurdish language.
In addition to his literary work, Mukriyani was also an important political figure in the Kurdish community. He was an active member Kurdish rebellion. And He was a close friend of Mustafa Barzani. Due to his active role in the Kurdish national movement, He faced exile and imprisonment many times.
His poetry and writing like a powerful testament to the resilience and strength of the Kurdish people, and his legacy remains a vital part of Kurdish culture and identity. Though He is dead, his impact on Kurdish literature is still important and active.
Finally, influential Kurdish scholars and authors are the backbone of the Kurdish community. Due to their works, the Kurdish language is alive.
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